Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

În căutarea gustului „pierdut”: regăsirea identităţii naţionale prin denumiri de mâncăruri, preparate şi meniuri tradiţionale

Publicația: The Proceedings of the International Conference “Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity”. Section: Language and Discourse, 2, p. 141-150
Editura:“Petru Maior” University Press
Rezumat:[In search of the ‘lost” taste: rediscovering national identity through the names of traditional foods, dishes and menus]
Our paper proposes a diachronic approach to the way in which the Romanians, depending on culinary fashions and historical times, named their gastronomic specialties and turned them into identity markers, based on socio-professional classes and social ranks (Boyar’s Plate, Outlaw’s Plate, Shepherd’s Plate, Fisherman’s Plate, Dairyman’s Salad etc.), origin (Dobrogea pie, Radauti soup etc.) and geographical location (Sibiu salami, Pleşcoi sausages, Cabbage à la Cluj etc.). The onomastic resonance of Romanian dishes invoked by defenders of good taste and culinary refinement such as Kogălniceanu and Negruzzi, Păstorel Teodoreanu or Radu Anton Roman, etc. continues to inspire enterprising tradition “hunters” who speculate the trend of return to the roots/nature.
However enthusiastic and confident we might be in the future of this tradition-oriented fashion, as long as we are living in a globalizing world and are searching for new sensations all the time, the clearly expressed desire to recapture national identity through valorizing and rediscovering traditional Romanian cuisine will continue to manifest along with/together with the tendency of combining cultures in a “salad bowl/melting pot”, just like the mixed menus of mushrooming restaurants specialized in the gastronomy of other countries.
If not long ago the moral rule imposed that the individual adjust to the social context (cf. Baudrillard: 1996), nowadays, this has changed so dramatically that society in its entirety becomes adapted to the individual, struggling to anticipate and satisfy all his/her needs. The most stringently felt need of the modern man appears to be regaining an identity, a lifestyle or “a lost taste” of another period in one’s life. Even though we do not believe in “advertising more than a child in Santa”, we willingly accept to enter the game of seduction, tempted by promises of bying genuinely traditional products, under labels such as “rustic”, “traditional”, “homemade” etc. and end up being bitterly disappointed with the gap between brand identity and image (Kapferer: 2008).
Cuvinte-cheie:culinary, identity, gastronomy, traditional, socio-profesional
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

1Imola Katalin NagyA short history of gastronomic literatureJRLS, 11, 323-3342017pdf

Referințe în această publicație: 3

5Petronela SavinDe gustibus disputandum
Frazeologia românească privitoare la alimentaţia omului
Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2012html
9Petronela SavinUniversul din lingură
Despre terminologia alimentară românească
Institutul European2012
2Luminiţa Drugă, Petronela SavinThe Cocktail of “Integrated” Menus. Ethnic Identity and Alterity in the Discourse of MenusPhil. Jass., V (2), 111-1172009pdf

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