Titlu: | Asymmetric Coordination in Old Romanian |
Autor: | Blanca Croitor |
Publicația: | Linguistica Atlantica, 33 (2), p. 4-24 Thematic volume: Old Romanian: Diachronic syntax and semantics |
p-ISSN: | 1188-9932 |
Editura: | Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association |
Locul: | Newfoundland |
Anul: | 2014 |
Rezumat: | In this paper we discuss various types of asymmetric coordination in Old Romanian, from the earliest attested texts (the 16th c.) to the middle of the 17th c. The asymmetry of the coordination may concern either the linearization (e.g., the elements of one conjunct mirror the elements of the other conjunct) or the internal structure of the relevant constituents (e.g., the verbs may have different tenses or moods or the nouns may be differently Case marked). We have excerpted our data from several texts, both originals and translations. In Modern Romanian, there are only traces of this asymmetry, as it will be shown at the end of the article: the asymmetry of the clitics is still present in a few imperative pseudocoordinated sentences and in exclamatory desiderative sentences. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | unbalanced coordination, pseudocoordination, clitics, Wackernagel's law, Tobler & Mussafia's law, emphatic focus, gerund, chiasmus |
Limba: | engleză |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
Citări la această publicație: 5
4 | Alexandru Nicolae | Word Order and Parameter Change in Romanian A Comparative Romance Perspective | Oxford University Press | 2019 | |
7 | Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (ed.) | Sintaxa limbii române vechi | Univers Enciclopedic Gold | 2019 | |
85 | Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (ed.) | The Syntax of Old Romanian | Oxford University Press | 2016 | |
16 | Alexandru Nicolae | Ordinea constituenţilor în limba română: o perspectivă diacronică Structura propoziţiei şi deplasarea verbului | Editura Universității din București | 2015 | |
8 | Rodica Zafiu | Auxiliary encliticization in 16th century Romanian: restrictions and regularities | LA, 33 (2), 71-86 | 2014 | pdf html |
Referințe în această publicație: 9
85 | Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (ed.) | The Syntax of Old Romanian | Oxford University Press | 2016 | |
2 | Giampaolo Salvi, Lorenzo Renzi | Le categorie funzionali nelle strutture coordinate in italiano antico (e in altre lingue romanze) | LFR26, II, 345 | 2013 | |
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200 | Gheorghe Chivu, Magdalena Georgescu, Magdalena Ioniță, Alexandru Mareș, Alexandra Roman Moraru (ed.) | Documente și însemnări românești din secolul al XVI-lea | Editura Academiei | 1979 | |
63 | Mirela Teodorescu, Ion Gheție (ed.) | Manuscrisul de la Ieud | Editura Academiei | 1977 | |
25 | Frieda Edelstein | Sintaxa gerunziului românesc | Editura Academiei | 1972 |
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