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Telejustice – a phenomenon at the border between the right to information of the public and the right to image of accused persons

Publicația: Social Sciences and Education Research Review, II (1)
Editura:Sitech Publishing House
Rezumat:In this article we analysed a new fast-growing phenomenon – Telejustice which seems to spread more and more in Romania and we proposed a solution - the open justice system. In our opinion, if the open-justice system would be adopted in Romania, it would be a gain both for Justice, which could provide the evidence of transparency, as well as for journalists, who could provide exact information, not taken from sources.
Cuvinte-cheie:telejustice, mass-media, legislative system, open justice, courts, journalists, legislative framework
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 9

Referințe în această publicație: 1

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