Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Idealism and Partisanship in Today Romanian Press

Publicația: Creativity in social sciences. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Științe Umaniste și Sociale „Creativitate. Imaginar. Limbaj”, p. 141
Editori:Claudiu Marian Bunăiașu, Elena Rodica Opran, Dan Valeriu Voinea
Rezumat:At the international level, the journalism is confronting an economic crisis, but also an identity crisis coming from the growth of the communication medium in the online area. A particularly estate is confronting the journalism from the countries that already experienced and overcame (at least, as they say) a dictatorship, and we are speaking about the East-European countries, about the communist regime, also about the Ceausescu’s regime, in the Romanian case. We believe this implication mustn’t be neglected. We believe that understanding journalism can’t be accomplished outside this stage. At European level, this status of post communist journalism can bring into question the relationship between press organization and the political-economical system.
Cuvinte-cheie:idealism, objectivity, militants, journalism, credibility
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 3

0Oprea Valentin Bușu, Mihaela Claudia PopescuMotivation and school learning. Quantitative research on “Stefan Velovan” National College CraiovaSSERR, V (2), 86-982018pdf
10Georgiana Camelia StănescuBreaking News and News Alert, between Information and Spectacle for RatingSSERR, II (2), 81-912015pdf
0Simona MihaiuConjugal violenceSSERR, II (2), 352015pdf

Referințe în această publicație: 8

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