Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Revealing V. Voiculescu’s Paradoxical Personality

Publicația: Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica, 6 (3), p. 357-371
Editura:Scientia Kiadó
Rezumat:Our short study tries to cast light upon a canonical Romanian poet’s paradoxical personality, a poet who, in our opinion, “suffered” by the “anxiety of influence” – a concept theorized by Harold Bloom – and, thus, endeavored in an imaginary translation of Shakespeare’s “last sonnets”. In order to reach our goal, we travelled throughout V. Voiculescu’s paratopia, using Maingueneau’s concept to understand how a believer was able to be – at the same time – poet, mystic, physician, philosopher and theologian, in the sense in which God the Word was speaking inside him, o theos logos. The multiple aspects of his personality are being revealed with the help of a various bibliography, into the light of Agapè, the divine love descending onto a poet who was being moved towards it by the all powerful Eros. The paradox is the fact that the full measure of his art was given at an old age – mid seventies –, an age when other poets are repeating themselves in a minor gamut, depleted by their intellectual force, as they are physically weakened.
Cuvinte-cheie:hesychia, imaginary translation, poetry, tradition, Shakespeare’s sonnets
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 2

2Dorin Ștefănescu, Sorin SuciuV. Voiculescu’s Sonnets: Eros, Flight into the Light of AgapèStudia UPM, 13, 162012pdf
1Cornel MoraruSentimentul sacrului în lirica arghezianăEITM, 2, 33-392007pdf

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