Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Verbe dicendi secundare în latină și în română

Publicația: Fonetică și dialectologie, XXXII, p. 23-36
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Secondary verbs of saying in Latin and Romanian]
The present paper is an analysis of secondary verbs of saying in Latin and in Romanian. The main goal was to identify the semantic mechanism that permits verbs to function as verba dicendi in both languages. We consider verba dicendi to be those verbs designating oral utterance. The class of verbs of saying is very heterogeneous and permissive, allowing verbs from other semantic classes to express, in some contexts, the action of speaking (e.g. Lat. iactare – Rom. a arunca ‘to throw’). It is interesting to point out that this kind of verbs are very expressive and have metaphorical value. They are specific to spoken language and reveal the evaluative point of view of the Speaker regarding the utterance performed by another speaker (e.g. Lat. latrare – Rom. a lătra ‘to bark’), which is mostly pejorative. The information carried by these verbs is diverse, regarding different aspects of the uttering act: emotion during the uttering process, intensity, clarity of the message delivered or the lack of it, rapidity, pleasant or unpleasant sounds, etc. The usual verbs that can become secondary verbs of saying are thos that express animal sounds or sounds produced by natural phenomena (e.g. Lat. tonare – Rom. a tuna ‘to thunder’), or by different objects (e.g. Lat. crepare ‘to creak’ – Rom. a bufni ‘to bang’).
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 5

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168Tache PapahagiDicţionarul dialectului aromîn
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Editura Academiei1963; 1974
4Boris CazacuDespre înțelesul unor verbe « sentiendi »SCL, I (2), 2571950

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