Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Translation from the Perspective of Discourse Analysis

Publicația: Studii de gramatică contrastivă, 18, p. 90-98
Editura:Universitatea din Pitești
Rezumat:This paper focuses on several aspects of discourse analysis, more specifically speech acts theory, which are important in the work of translation / interpretation from English into Romanian. An accurate reconstruction in the target language implies more than knowing and finding the most appropriate equivalents, but also interpreting the meaning in context offering as much as possible from the 'hidden substance' of the speaker's discourse. For such interpretation, there are rules, principles of communicative interaction, and set types of speech acts which may help the translator / interpreter to fulfil his work with professionalism and at a high standard.
Cuvinte-cheie:speech act, pragmatics, additional meaning, context translation/interpretation, encyclopaedic knowledge
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 2

43Roger T. BellTeoria şi practica traduceriiPolirom2000
73John Austin
  • How to do Things with Words
  • Cum să faci lucruri cu vorbe
Clarendon Press; Paralela 451962; 2003, 2005 (trad.)

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