Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Valenţele Comeseniei în actul creator la Nicolae Steinhardt

Publicația: Philologica Banatica, VII (2), p. 61-81
Editura:Editura Mirton; Editura Amphora
Rezumat:In Nicolae Steinhardt vision, the concept of conviviality express the „Christic conception on life” and it’s defining in the Romanian spiritual analysis, but also for it’s access to the great human values which implies the existence and our meaning in the Christian and universal space. The explanation and the semantic interpretation of the term at this essayist, requires interdisciplinary study contribution: the lexical meaning, literal-metaphorical, philosophical, mythological, existential, theological, being combined with his specific notations of his thinking, and it’s semantic is enriching with every textual consignment. The conviviality becomes a symbol of the „Romanian soul” and a foreshadowing of „Kingdom of Heaven”; it’s a Christian- biblical attitude and belongs to life and human values balance, with liturgical resonances in the manifestation of human beings which are part of the Church of One.
  • convivialitate, echilibru, relaţie, interpretare, sacralitate
  • conviviality, equilibrium, relation, interpretation, the sacrament
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 1

343Alexandru CiorănescuDicționarul etimologic al limbii române
Diccionario etimológico rumano
Universidad de La Laguna; Editura Saeculum I.O.1958; 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007

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