Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Criterii extrafilologice în analiza etimologică. Un patrimoniu încă neexplorat: fondul scris de cuvinte autohtone

Publicația: Philologica Banatica, IV (2), p. 11-19
Editura:Editura Mirton; Editura Amphora
Rezumat:So far, the number of the Geto-Dacian terms that were mentioned in written by ancient authors or found on the inscriptions of the V BC – I AD centuries has reached 400, which is twice the double of the words reconstructed with the traditional method of the comparison with the Albanian language. A comparative analysis of the results of the two methods reveals certain surprising aspects: • the number of the common words is very small, and the forming word families suggest (through toponymic or anthroponymic contexts) other translations than the ones accepted until now; • there are major differences from the language of the southern Thracians; • the contacts with the widely spoken languages of the ancient times (Greek and Latin) seem to be more extended and long-lasting. The research of the native written stock is just in its beginnings.
Cuvinte-cheie:limba dacă, fond autohton, termeni scrişi: etnonime, toponime, antroponime
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 4

0Laurențiu NistorescuAspecte problematice ale studierii substratului geto-dac. IstoricitateaPhil. Ban., XI (1), 127-1362017pdf
0Laurențiu NistorescuFamiliile de cuvinte din limba geto-dacică – observaţii metodologice (2)Phil. Ban., VIII (1), 812014pdf
2Laurențiu NistorescuFamiliile de cuvinte din limba geto-dacică – observaţii metodologice (1)Phil. Ban., VII (1), 19-242013pdf
1Laurențiu NistorescuExtraphilological criteria in etimological reviewPhil. Ban., VI (2), 33-432012pdf

Referințe în această publicație: 2

32Grigore BrâncușCercetări asupra fondului traco-dac al limbii româneInstitutul Român de Tracologie; Editura Dacica1995; 2009
19Ariton VraciuLimba daco-geţilorEditura Facla1980

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