“Diacronia” bibliometric database (BDD)

Tendințe în cercetarea traductologică

Publisher:Editura Universității de Vest

Citations to this publication: 24

0Irina BreahnăTraducere și pertinențăPhilM, LXIII (1), 92-1032021pdf
0Oana Adina NicolaeTranslating happiness. English-Romanian (in)congruitiesGIDNI, 6, 57-652019pdf
1Ildikó Gy. ZoltánTraducere şi traducător; bilingvismul traducătorului: concepte, cadre de definiţieStudia UPM, 25, 1562018pdf
2Georgiana Lungu-BadeaIpostaze ale traductologiei în România (2000-2015)STR, II., 9-442017pdf
1Iulia CosmaReflexele traductologiei italiene în RomâniaSTR, II., 66-892017pdf
1Luminița VlejaTraducerea de poezie în contextul cercetărilor traductologiceSTR, I., 267-2852017pdf
3Richard SârbuSelectivitatea sintagmatică și constrângerile lexicale în traducerea reprezentativăSTR, I., 192-2152017pdf
0Ana Magdalena PetraruThe Romanian discourse on translation (studies) and its challenges in the era of globalizationGIDNI, 3, 361-3742016pdf
1Ana-Magdalena PetraruAn overview of translation (studies) methodology in RomaniaJRLS, 8, 375-3822016pdf
0Anca MureșanuRomanian views on translation: the years before the Communist eraGIDNI, 3, 283-2882016pdf
0Adina Oana NicolaeMulticultural dialogue: translating culturemesLDMD, 3, 215-2222015pdf
1Ana-Magdalena PetraruThe Romanian discourse on translation in periodicals (1800–1945)JRLS, 6, 1344-13542015pdf
0Georgeta RusLa dénomination non conventionnelle dans la presse. Précisions traductivesICONN 3, 3162015pdf
0Imola Katalin NagyAspects of realia translation in the novel Ion by Liviu RebreanuGIDNI, 2, 251-2662015pdf
0Imola Katalin NagyBasic concepts in translation studies: principles, methods and tehniques of translationLDMD, 3, 548-5682015pdf
0Mădălina Florina PopLa traduction des anthroponymes non conventionnels – le cas des surnomsICONN 3, 3072015pdf
0Simona Nicoleta StaicuTranslation techniques of medical texts. A case studyGIDNI, 2, 288-2972015pdf
0Simona Nicoleta StaicuA contrastive analysis in translating medical textsJRLS, 5, 119-1252014pdf
0Diana MoțocUne étude historique-comparative des traductions du catalan en roumain. Questions de méthodeMéth. trad., 1332013pdf
1Georgeta RusQuestions sur la traduction anthroponymique. Étude de cas : l’espace public roumainICONN 2, 8122013pdf
0Georgeta RusNoms propres dans l’espace public. Précisions traductives sur les anthroponymes non conventionnelsLDMD, 1, 1136-11412013pdf
1Mariana PitarUne perspective terminologique dans la traduction des textes de spécialitéMéth. trad., 2142013pdf
0Victoria Luminița VlejaAcercamiento a la traducción de GóngoraELI, 2 (2), 2882006pdf
49Georgiana Lungu-BadeaMic dicţionar de termeni utilizaţi în teoria, practica şi didactica traduceriiEditura Orizonturi Universitare; Editura Universității de Vest2003; 2008, 2012

Reviews of this publication: 1

Luminița VlejaAUT, XLIV, 3062006pdf

References in this publication: 0

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