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Questions sur la traduction anthroponymique. Étude de cas : l’espace public roumain

Publication: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a II-a: Onomastica din spațiul public actual, p. 812
Editors:Oliviu Felecan
Publisher:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Abstract:[Observations regarding anthroponymic translation. A case study: The Romanian public space]
This paper aims at analysing proper names, in general, and anthroponyms, in particular, from the point of view of translation studies, with reference to French and Romanian. The specific context, which facilitates the approach from the aforementioned perspective, is the public space, the undeniable witness of the transformations that onomastic items undergo between their use in speech and writing, in the media and public discourse.
This research focuses on the field of personal naming, taking into consideration the following unconventioal categories: anthroponyms, nicknames and appellations (various forms of address), in order to delineate the difficulties faced while translating them and their contextual boundaries at the level of communication.
Key words:translation practices, anthroponymic structures, media discourse, interculturality
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 7

8Georgiana Lungu-BadeaUn panorama de la traduction roumaine des noms propres (roumain - français)Ling. trad., 1612011
30Michel BallardNumele proprii în traducereEditura Universității de Vest2011
10Oana MurărușNume, porecle, semnături ironice în paginile „Academiei Caţavencu”Controverse, II, 1752010pdf
24Georgiana Lungu-BadeaTendințe în cercetarea traductologicăEditura Universității de Vest2005
52Georgiana Lungu-BadeaTeoria culturemelor, teoria traduceriiEditura Universității de Vest2004
49Georgiana Lungu-BadeaMic dicţionar de termeni utilizaţi în teoria, practica şi didactica traduceriiEditura Orizonturi Universitare; Editura Universității de Vest2003; 2008, 2012
28M.-N. Gary PrieurGrammaire du nom proprePresses Universitaires de France1994

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