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Conectorii disjunctivi din perspectivă semantico-pragmatică: ipoteze asupra proceselor de gramaticalizare

Publication: Limba română, LXI (3), p. 417-428
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The modal interpretation of natural disjunction as a list of epistemic possibilities (Zimmermann 2000, Simons 2001, 2005, Geurts 2005, Mauri 2008a, b, etc.) confirms certain hypotheses about the origin and evolution of disjunctive connectives in Romanian. The most productive pattern of Romanian disjunctive connectives shows a “free choice” value and uses verbal forms of volition (ori/veri, oare/vare) and possibility (fie). In some bisyndetic constructions, the modal component and the connective function can be dissociated.
Key words:
  • coordonare, disjuncţie, alternativă, modalitate epistemică, gramaticalizare
  • coordination, disjunction, alternative, epistemic modality, grammaticalization
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 5

References in this publication: 14

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