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Aspecte ale simetriei / asimetriei în raportul disjunctiv

Publication: Limba română: diacronie și sincronie în studiul limbii române, I, p. 139
Editors:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Publisher:Editura Universității din București
Abstract:The goal of this paper is to examine how the condition of symmetry/asymmetry functions under disjunction.
At the syntactic level, a special situation of asymmetry is represented by the disjunctive relation in which the connector is au and the second coordinated unit is pro-form ba.
Semantically, the units of the disjunction represent a set of reversible possibilities, which means that the units can change their position without modifying the meaning of the complex unit they make up. There also exist lexicalised structures and numerical approximators that do not disallow the reversing of the coordinated units.
At the semantic-pragmatic level, we can identify two types of asymmetry: pseudo-imperatives and constructions in which the connector has a metadiscursive value.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 12

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