Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Starea actuală a înregistrării neologismelor în dicţionarele limbii române, cu specială referire la anglicisme

Publicația: Identitatea culturală românească în contextul integrării europene, Secțiunea Lingvistică, p. 175-186
Editori:Marius-Radu Clim, Ofelia Ichim, Laura Manea, Florin-Teodor Olariu
Editura:Editura Alfa
Rezumat:[The Current Status of the Dictionary Recording of Neologisms in Romanian – With Special Reference to the English Loans]
The more recent neologisms – which have especially penetrated into our language as, or mainly via, the “learned” words of modern vocabulary, and are largely represented in the idiom of present-day mass-media – may pose various problems pertaining to lexicographical recording. The gist of the lexicographer’s interest in studying them lies in their capability, or else readiness to become “denizens” (i.e. naturalized foreign words) of the Romanian language. The authors’ aim in writing the present paper has been to study and substantiate a number of aspects concerning the current status of neologistic lexicographical recording by a few usual, comprehensive, and hence representative dictionaries of Romanian, such as DEX2 and MDN; special emphasis was placed on those terms originating in the special, or technical languages – the so-called ‘technical jargons’, as well as the English language. The final section deals of the paper with a number of etymological and semantic issues, as well as some lexicographical technicalities, mainly relating to the form and meaning of the English loans compiled by the above-mentioned dictionaries.
Limba: română

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Referințe în această publicație: 1

5Theodor HristeaEtimologia multiplă internăLR, XX (5), 4791971

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