Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Romanian and Bulgarian personal names derived from Latin appellatives (names of plants and animals)

Publicația: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a III-a: Conventional / unconventional in onomastics, p. 296
Editori:Oliviu Felecan
Editura:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Rezumat:The research object of the present text consists of 29 Romanian personal names (19 male and 10 female) and 39 Bulgarian personal names (15 male and 24 female) derived from an appellative, Latin by origin, which denotes a plant or an animal. The main aim is to present their full list and their initial meaning.
The researched anthroponyms are divided into four major groups according to: 1) the meaning of the appellative (i.e. thematic classification); 2) the function of the name to protect the new-born or to wish him/her good fortune, used in the old folk tradition; 3) the type of the basic word (i.e. if the researched anthroponym is derived directly from an appellative or via another anthroponym – Roman mythological name, gentilic name, cognomen or Neolatin name); 4) their canonization.
Cuvinte-cheie:Romanian/Bulgarian personal name, plant, animal
Limba: engleză

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