Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

An Analysis about the Relations between the Human Values and the Consumer Behaviour

Publicația: Creativity in social sciences. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Științe Umaniste și Sociale „Creativitate. Imaginar. Limbaj”, p. 69
Editori:Claudiu Marian Bunăiașu, Elena Rodica Opran, Dan Valeriu Voinea
Rezumat:This article seeks to present a literature review of the theory and of the empirical researches on personal values, consumer behavior, a new marketing concept and social marketing. It also tries to examine the links between people’s values and the consumer behavior in a changing consumer society that came with the globalization and with the effects of the economic crisis. The personal values are presented as a central point of interest for the marketers. But also the consumer behavior concept is well defined, together with its capacity to evolve as a sustainable/ethic one.
In this new context, the role of marketing begins to take other forms, different than the old ones changing its mission gradually and the consumer begins to define a new identity and thus redefining its role in society through a more active and valuable presence.
The results of this analysis are some useful recommendations for the marketers to take into account with regard to values and consumption behavior. New ideas of how marketing should develop are also presented, and also the urgent use of social marketing in making this transition towards a sustainable society easier. A good correlation between all these concepts could lead to a better quality of life, if they will be taken into consideration by marketers, businesspeople, researchers and policy makers.
Cuvinte-cheie:personal values, consumer behaviour, quality of life, marketing and social marketing
Limba: engleză

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