Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Ayyala: A zoonomastically motivated Hebrew female personal name, and how semantic reinterpretation and other factors affect the current first name

Publicația: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a II-a: Onomastica din spațiul public actual, p. 606
Editori:Oliviu Felecan
Editura:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Rezumat:This study examines the background of the female names Ayyala in Modern Hebrew and Pre-Islamic Jewish Aramaic Yalta (literally, ‘doe’), and Biblical and Modern Hebrew Tsivya (‘she-gazelle’, but in Eastern Europe ‘roe doe’) – cf. New Testament Tabitha (Aramaic for ‘she-gazelle’) – in their historical and comparative contexts (e.g., in relation to Modern Arabic Ghazala, and to Hellenistic and Roman-age Greek Dorcas). The background is complex. The denotation of Hebrew names for ‘doe’, ‘gazelle’, and ‘roedeer’ varied historically and geographically. Does and gazelles are evocative across cultures, in Hebrew a perceived red doe running in the sky motivated a metaphor for the break of dawn, and in Jewish homiletics e.g. Moses’ mother was metaphorised as a gazelle.
Cuvinte-cheie:first names motivated by animal names, Hebrew Ayyala (Aramaic Yalta) and Tsivya, Arabic Ghazala, Greek Dorcas, Doe vs. Gazelle
Limba: engleză

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