Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Panait Istrati. Povestirea condiţionată de limbă. Ţaţa Minca

Publicația: Cultură și identitate românească - Tendințe actuale și reflectarea lor în diaspora, Secțiunea Lingvistică
Editori:Ofelia Ichim; Luminița Botoșineanu, Daniela Butnaru, Marius-Radu Clim, Florin-Teodor Olariu, Elena Tamba
Editura:Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:The objective of our paper is that of describing the way Istrati’s narrative universe gains its specific profile considering its strong relation with both Romanian and French linguistic horizon. We discussed the particular situation of Istrati’s work which is elaborated in two stages that correspond to its fixation in two different languages: Romanian and French. The first part is a presentation of the theoretical arguments that sustain the hypothesis of understanding Istrati’s text as a work of plural immanence. The option for linguistic instruments is related to the particularity of Istrati’s text: a narrative world conditioned by rules of different linguistic systems. Therefore a semantic analysis surprises the particularities of both faces of the same work. In order to demonstrate the fact that the specificity of a work (vision, characters) is determined, in its deep structure, by the particular vision constructed by its language, we found arguments in theories about the relation between thinking and language (W. Humboldt, Vossler, Croce, Gadamer, Coseriu) insisting on the way these two plans of the human being condition one another (this relation is essential in the creative process and, consequently, defines a writer’s status in a literary field which is circumscribed/delimitated by the language of his formation community). Accepting the idea of the existence of a stylistic dimension of a national language, we tried to exemplify the way the language in which a text is written imprints certain particularities, independent or convergent to the author’s intentionality. Both the theoretical arguments and the analysis of these textual transformations lead to the conclusion that poetics is strongly related to the liberties/constraints existent in a language; in the Romanian version, the sense horizon has a certain functional opening and in the French version a different one, according to the way each of these languages constructs a fictional world.
Cuvinte-cheie:Panait Istrati, translation, re-writing
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 1

100Dumitru IrimiaIntroducere în stilisticăEditura Polirom1999

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