Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Diferenţe de gen în uzul diminutivelor în emisiuni româneşti de divertisment

Publicația: Limba română: diacronie și sincronie în studiul limbii române, II, p. 109
Editori:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:The aim of this article is to identify some gender differences in the use of diminutives combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The material analyzed in the present study contains 128 hours of recent Romanian entertainment shows. After some theoretical considerations regarding gender studies in the first part, I dedicate the second part to corpus analysis.
I have investigated the occurrence of diminutives in women’s and men’s speaking turns, but also in talk exchanges. Despite the fact that the differences are not significant, the results led us to the conclusion that women are more receptive to the diminutive forms, even though, according to the corpus, men also often use diminutives in their spoken conversation.
I have also observed that there is a strong relationship between the use of diminutives and the context, which means that speakers tend to use or to avoid diminutives in their speech according to their communicative intentions, such as: marking an agreement or a disagreement, an attenuation or an intensification, highlighting a reformulation or a rectification, establishing cohesion and familiarity, marking variety or brevity, etc.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 2

396Valeria Guțu Romalo (coord.)GALR
Gramatica limbii române. I. Cuvântul; II. Enunțul
Editura Academiei2005; 2008
82Daniela Rovența-FrumușaniAnaliza discursului
Ipoteze și ipostaze
Editura Tritonic2004, 2005

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