Titlu: | Mitul eminescian. Logica selectării ca mit obsesiv al culturii române |
Autor: | Luigi Bambulea |
Publicația: | Philologica Jassyensia, VII (1), p. 29-37 |
p-ISSN: | 1841-5377 |
e-ISSN: | 2247-8353 |
Editura: | Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide” |
Locul: | Iaşi |
Anul: | 2011 |
Rezumat: | This paper proposes an applied analysis, in two sections, on one of the most important topics of the Romanian literary culture: the myth of the national poet Mihai Eminescu. I consider it relevant to systematize the specialized field in the work of this important writer, and then I try to answer an essential question: how was Eminescu integrateded in the Romanian literary canon and what made it that other authors or other works were surpassed by the great work of Mihai Eminescu? At the same time, I consider as important the enunciation of a myth theory, which constitutes the ground of my analysis of the eminescian myth, carried out in the present study. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | Mihai Eminescu, cultural myth, the myth theory, national poet |
Limba: | română |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
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