Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Le je(u) polyphonique. Un modèle pragma-linguistique à rendre compte de la représentation théâtrale

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, VI (2), p. 161-169
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:Exploiting recent pragmalinguistic acquisitions, the present paper proposes a unitary approach to corpus phenomena which is specific to dramatic representation, starting from the ritual game/representation and up to the proper theatre (understood as aesthetic phenomenon). From a conceptual and methodological view, the unity of this approach results from the exploitation of polyphony as a concept. Through the discursive roles that it carries, the concept of polyphony is able to surprise the dialectic of “identification” and “the spacing” in theatre as well as in ritual. “The identification” and “the spacing” are fuzzy categories. Alternatively, the concept of “polyphony” emphasizes the same discursive mechanism.
“The identification effect” manifests programmatically in “mimetic rituals” (Durkheim) and in Stanislavski’s practice. The “spacing effect” (Verfremdungseffekt) is specific to the theatric tradition of the Far East and is being theorized and systematically cultivated by Bertlot Brecht who confers it ideological connotations and a well defined social function.
Cuvinte-cheie:polyphony, speech acts, performative/ constatative, semantic/ pragmatic, “Verfremdungseffekt” (‘spacing effect’), Brecht, Stanislavski
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 1

1Nicoleta Popa BlănariuUn eu arhaic. Efecte polifonice în rit și teatruTDR, I, 255-2662009pdf

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