Titlu: | Lingvistica istorică ieşeană: între realizări şi promisiuni de onorat |
Autor: | Adrian Poruciuc |
Publicația: | Philologica Jassyensia, II (2), p. 283-294 |
p-ISSN: | 1841-5377 |
e-ISSN: | 2247-8353 |
Editura: | Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide” |
Locul: | Iaşi |
Anul: | 2006 |
Rezumat: | “The Iaşi School of Historical Linguistics: between Achievements and Promises to be Honoured” is a presentation based on the talk this author gave at the “A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology on 30 November 2006. The main point of the presentation is that, for a period of about one century (since the time when Alexandru Philippide was writing his Originea românilor), historical linguistics has had a series of outstanding representatives at the University of Iaşi. Gheorghe Ivănescu, Theofil Simenschy, Haralambie Mihăescu, and Ariton Vraciu were scholars with quite valuable contributions to Indo-European studies, Romance studies, substratum studies, glottogenetics, and history of Romanian. They were followed by younger colleagues and disciples, such as Vasile Arvinte, Ioan Lobiuc, or Dragoş Moldovanu. For all differences of views and interests, they all somehow resumed ideas of their forerunner, Philippide; and not only did they enlarge and improve those ideas, but they also suggested new approaches for researchers to-be, as proved by many of the quotations included in this article. |
Limba: | română |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
Citări la această publicație: 1
0 | Adrian Poruciuc | Numele vechi al Moldovei (Moldua) explicat prin apelativul protogermanic *moldwa | Phil. Jass., XI (1) | 2015 | pdf html |
Referințe în această publicație: 9
14 | Vasile Arvinte | Raporturi lingvistice româno-germane Contribuții etimologice | Editura Egal | 2002 | |
66 | Haralambie Mihăescu | La romanité dans le Sud-Est de l’Europe | Editura Academiei | 1993 | |
1 | Adrian Poruciuc | G. Ivănescu’s Contribution to the Study of Indo-European Languages | AUI, XXXIV, 82 | 1988 | |
160 | Alexandru Rosetti | Istoria limbii române Ediție definitivă | Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică | 1986 | |
43 | Vasile Arvinte | Român, românesc, România | EȘE; Egal; Demiurg | 1983; 2004; 2008 | |
5 | Dragoș Moldovanu | Etimologia hidronimului Moldova | ALIL, XXVIII, 5 | 1981-1982 | pdf html |
20 | Theofil Simenschy, Gheorghe Ivănescu | Gramatica comparată a limbilor indoeuropene | Editura Didactică și Pedagogică | 1981 | |
228 | Gheorghe Ivănescu | Istoria limbii române | Editura Junimea | 1980; 2000 | |
19 | Ariton Vraciu | Limba daco-geţilor | Editura Facla | 1980 |
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