Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Co-funcţionarea gestualitate-limbaj în discursul religios ocazional actual, în vederea argumentării

Publicația: Analele Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași. Secțiunea IIIe. Lingvistică, LX, p. 111
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:The performance of a religious discourse (e.g. the occasional one, which is temporally and circumstantially subordinated) depends on the cohesion between all the levels of communication and on the preachers’ manner of exploiting them in the process of influencing the collective receiver. In the present paper, the occasional religious discourse is considered as having an argumentative orientation, being a symbiotic and interactional phenomenon whose success depends on the actants’ behavior and of the verbal and nonverbal communication processes. The gestures accompanying the discourses analyzed in this paper become, as will be illustrated, both process and physical expression of feelings or emotions, specifically because parenesis are given in special occasions (being different from the Sunday sermons) that impose the dominant tone of these discourses (euphorical or dysphorical). The coexistence of gesture and language in the occasional religious discourse will be demonstrated and sustained by illustrating the different and complementary functions fulfilled by gestures during these special occasions: to emphasize, to adjust, to repeat, to replace, to stress etc. Furthermore, this paper contends to analyze the way in which the non-verbal becomes, in ceremonial occasions, a tool of discursive inter-synchronization. This analysis rests on a corpus of texts transcribed from an audio-video format in accordance with the transcribing norms established in Luminiţa Hoarţă Cărăuşu (coord.), Corpus de limbă română vorbită actuală, Editura Cermi, Iaşi, 2005, p. 11-13, and it is also based on a series of relevant snapshots (pictures).
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 3

17Luminița Hoarță-CărăușuTeorii şi practici ale comunicăriiEditura Cermi2008
41Daniela Rovența-FrumușaniArgumentarea
Modele și strategii
BIC All2000
73John Austin
  • How to do Things with Words
  • Cum să faci lucruri cu vorbe
Clarendon Press; Paralela 451962; 2003, 2005 (trad.)

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