Titlu: | Hacia una metodología sociolingüística cognitiva. El estudio del habla de la Pola de Siero |
Autor: | Cristina Bleorțu |
Publicația: | Revue roumaine de linguistique, LIX (4), p. 335-350 |
p-ISSN: | 0035-3957 |
Editura: | Editura Academiei |
Locul: | București |
Anul: | 2014 |
Rezumat: | The present paper focuses on the sociolinguistic study of Pola de Siero spoken language. One of the main challenges of producing reliable data is to clearly define the methodology. On the basis of variationism, the central tenet of our approach is that the linguistic production involves not only linguistic and social factors, it also involves a language user’s establishing subsequently drawing on perceptive representations. This study follows the methodological line presented in Moreno Fernández (2012) with some adjustments, additional methods and variables, and purposeful attention to the linguistic situation of our speech community. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | sociolinguistics, cognitive, social and linguistic variables, spoken language, methodology, Pola de Siero |
Limba: | spaniolă |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
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