Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Terminologia lexicală şi discursivă în studierea limbajelor specializate din secolul al XIX-lea

Publicația: Philologia, LII (1-2), p. 98-106
Editura:Academia de Științe a Moldovei
Rezumat:The linguistic study brings a new image of the physical and chemical terminology, particularly in the XIXth century. In this article the author investigates: the level of the “scientific nature” in relation to the type of division of domain in subdomains; the linguistic – extralinguistic relationship in the conceptual development of sciences and the modernization of the terminology across the definitional metalanguage. The corroboration of the lexicographic and the textual information brings to light, among others, the combination of the conceptual content and the terminological form in a field of knowledge. The physics and the chemistry present a great affinity for the interdisciplinarity. It can be noted the use of the „semanticized” suffixation as a specific method of formation of chemical terms.
Limba: română

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