Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Traductions et identité(s) culturelle(s) : le cas de la terminologie orthodoxe en langue française

Publicația: Atelier de traduction, 12, p. 109
Editura:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Rezumat:A religious Orthodox terminology has been developing for a few years in French, especially through translations (most of them made from Greek) of all the liturgical texts as well as of Orthodox spiritual texts. This paper proposes a few reflections on this process, starting from a study of the different ways translators of these texts impose lexical norms that are essential for this terminology. It is in these norms that one can find signs of what we could call a cultural identity of Orthodoxy, individualized by a synthesis of several cultural identities – the various Orthodox juridictions in France: Greek, Russian, Romanian, Serbian, etc. Since Orthodoxy is universal, being the Church of Jesus Christ, all these particular features are harmoniously assimilated in this French Orthodox terminology.
Cuvinte-cheie:lexical norms, cultural identity, liturgical texts, terminology
Limba: franceză

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