Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)


Publicația: Atelier de traduction, 10, p. 203-221
Editura:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Rezumat:A translation is a text derived from another text through the process of translating; both types of texts (originals and translations) are apprehended and appreciated through their forms and the arrangements of these forms in various kinds of patterns, the whole thing constituting a texture. In order to be realistic, our understanding of the process of translating and our assessment of translations in their multiplicity have to take these textures into account and integrate them into a structured protocol of investigation into the ways and choices of translators. This realistic approach of translation (based on the observation and analysis of textures) is here illustrated by a commentary of specific aspects of three translations of Joyce’s Dubliners. Starting from an analysis of the three versions of the incipit it tries to delineate the styles of the translators, and then (taking other portions of the texts into account) their respective treatment of such items as cultural designators, their attitude towards the analytic elements of both languages and the amount of creativity they are capable of.
Cuvinte-cheie:texture, ways of translating, translation commentary, subjectivity, retranslation, universals, cultural designators, creativity
Limba: franceză

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