Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Euphemistische Äusserungen in der Werbesprache. Überlegungen zur Pragmatik im Deutschen und Rumänischen

Publicația: Diversité et identité culturelle en Europe, X (2), p. 117
Editura:Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române
Rezumat:This article, which is part of a more extended study based on an empirically-selected corpus, aims to provide empirical analyses of euphemisms present in the language of advertising to illustrate strategies of emphasizing the message euphemisms transmit when used in advertising statements/texts in the German and Romanian language. Special attention will be paid to the specific relationship between the sender and the receiver and to the sender’s intentions closely connected to the purpose and context of advertising to highlight the functions of euphemisms in advertising.
Cuvinte-cheie:Euphemism; language of advertising; indirect speech acts
Limba: germană

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 1

58Liliana Ionescu-RuxăndoiuLimbaj și comunicare
Elemente de pragmatică lingvistică
All Educational2003

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