Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Actes 20, 28 dans les manuscrits byzantines: le texte, la traduction et l’exégèse

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, VI, Secțiunea Traducerea textului sacru, p. 27-40
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:The text we will analyze is part of Chapter 20 of the Acts. This chapter can be divided into three parts: Acts 20, 1-6: Exposure trip of the Apostle Paul in Greece, Acts 20, 7-12 resurrection of a child in Troas, Acts 20, 13-16 the journey from Troas to Miletus and finally, Acts 20, 17-38: the sermon of the Apostle addressed to the presbyters of Ephesus. What we learn is the last part of the sermon in which the Apostle Paul, concerned that he anticipated the fate martyrique not allow him to find the middle of the Ephesian community sends priests net advice aimed at maintaining unaltered faith amidst the community.If Acts 20:28 a, in terms of writing does not have problems, we can not say the same Acts 20:28 b. We have a wide variety of manuscripts from which we select and analyze only those Byzantine. The analysis of the text requires first some methodological clarification. Verse 28b, which interests us in this study is difficult. Until now, we have a large number of manuscripts using interpolations more or less justified, the transmitted in different ways. In translation, the text of the critical edition prepared by Nestle-Aland is: ”Take care of yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to feed the church of God that he won with his own blood”. In what follows, our study is the historical and textual analysis of the verse, the establishment - as much as possible - original elements, presenting it through a comparison of some editions of the Bible translated into Romanian and, not least as far as possible, indicating the original theological sense, in other words, the intention of the sacred writer.
Cuvinte-cheie:textual criticism, manuscriptology, the byzantine text of Acts, papyrology, critical edition of the New Testament
Limba: franceză

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