Titlu: | Analyse comparative des verbes de déplacement allatifs : roum. Aajunge/a sosi et leur équivalent port. chegar |
Autor: | Adriana Ciama |
Publicația: | Revue roumaine de linguistique, LVI (2), p. 137-157 |
p-ISSN: | 0035-3957 |
Editura: | Editura Academiei |
Locul: | București |
Anul: | 2011 |
Rezumat: | The aim of this article is to present a comparative analysis in Romanian and Portuguese of the directed motion verbs a ajunge / a sosi, respectively chegar. First, we delimit the subclass of the directed motion verbs on the basis of semantic criteria and, secondly, we analyse comparatively the verbs from intralingual and interlingual perspective. This approach allows us to point out similarities and differences between the two Romance languages, as well as construction particularities specific to each of them. As for the theoretical framework, we adopt the cognitive semantic theory which pays special attention to the speakers’ cognitive capacities to conceptualize the events. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | Romance Languages, directed motion verbs, prepositions, conceptualization |
Limba: | franceză |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
Citări la această publicație: 1
0 | Raluca Brăescu, Irina Nicula Paraschiv | From Verbs of Motion to Aspectual and Copula Verbsa intra ‘enter’ and a ieși ʻexitʼ | RRL, LXVI (1), 49-62 | 2021 | pdf html |
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