Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Fenomene semiozice în discursul eseistic. Logica ideilor vagi. Analiză textuală

Publicația: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 14, p. 28
Editura:Universitatea Petru Maior
Locul:Târgu Mureș
Rezumat:In reading Stanescu’s essay, we used textual semiosis (Carmen Vlad, 2000). In the spirit of a new order in the analysis of discourse in the essays, we chose the linguistic and semiotic codes. The semiosic model applied to the essay The Logic of Vague Ideas / Logica ideilor vagi confirms the architecture of discourse in the essay. Nevertheless: there is a bi-univocal relation between the nature of the interpreter and the discursive stages or reason, therefore: the emotional interpreter is the equivalent of textuality (Vlad); the dynamic interpreters correspond to the essayistic rationality (in the demonstration or the experiment) and the final (logic) interpreter “archives” the textual meaning. We remind only a few of the observations made in the analysis of the essayistic discourse as a semiosic process (Peirce, Vlad): (1) The R-text was played as a discursive support for the interpreters, by this signifying function mediating the relation between the object and the interpreter (immediate object = idea of real, here: the word; dynamic object = real, here: poetic metalanguage); in Stanescu’s essay, (2) Ii1 = the word defined by the lexemes „understood” and „well-understood”; (3) Id1=”the understanding” corresponds to the proper meaning, to denotation, and the „well-understood” to the named object (thing), to connotation. (4) the lexemes support, co-textually and contextually, mainly the metaphorical nature of the word, etc. As a conclusion, the logic interpreter confirms the metalanguage on each level: [1] metaword, [2] metalanguage, [3] metapoetic language (metatext).
Cuvinte-cheie:textual semiosis; discours essayistique; emotional/ dynamic/ final(logic) interpreters; R-text
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 3

3Ecaterina MihăilăLimbajul ca obiect al poeziei la Nichita Stănescu (II)SCL, XLIV (1), 31993
3Ecaterina MihăilăLimbajul ca obiect al poeziei la Nichita Stănescu (III)SCL, XLIV (2), 891993
3Ecaterina MihăilăLimbajul ca obiect al poeziei la Nichita Stănescu (I)SCL, XLIII (6), 5451992

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