Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Editarea asistată de calculator a hărţilor Atlasului lingvistic al dialectului aromân (ALAR), vol. II

Publicația: Fonetică și dialectologie, XXXVI, p. 5-16
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Digitalisation software for The Linguistic Atlas of the Aromanian Dialect (ALAR), vol. II]
The Linguistic Atlas of the Aromanian Dialect, Vol. II (author: Nicolae Saramandu, with Manuela Nevaci) is the amplest linguistic geography research for the Aromanian dialect. It is the fruit of a great while of field research carried out by Nicolae Saramandu in Greece, Albania, FYRo Macedonia, Bulgaria, subsuming in a broader image the entire Aromanian area: from the Balkans to the north to Thessaly, Acarnania and Aetolia to the south, from the Adriatic and Ionian Seas to the west to the Aegean Sea to the east. The volume includes all Aromanian subdialects, which can be identified and described for the first time in detail based on this Atlas. The Atlas includes phonetic, morphological and lexical data specific to these subdialects, that have not been signalled in previous works. The dialectal reality illustrated by this Atlas is much more complex that the one known until now.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 1

210Valeriu Rusu (coord.)Tratat de dialectologie româneascăEditura Scrisul Românesc1984

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