Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Dimension culturelle de certaines fonctions de la traduction

Publicația: Atelier de traduction, 21, p. 37
Editura:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Rezumat:This paper addresses the theme of the « cultural dimension of the literary text in translation » from the perspective of certain functions of literary translations that have a strong cultural impact. Moving away from the normative paradigm that seeks to ascertain whether a particular translation is a true or deforming mirror of an original work, I discuss the subject from a sociotranslation approach. As the functions of literary translation with a cultural dimension are so numerous, I have chosen to outline briefly only the following eight functions: 1. Translation as a source of inspiration; 2. Translation as a school of style; 3. Transgressive translations; 4. Palliative translations; 5. Translations as a tool for shaping a culture; 6. Translation as a barometer; 7. Translation as a tool for shaping national identity; 8. Translation as a way of importing literary genres. In my conclusion, I call for a sociological as well as a comparative approach to the history of translation.
Cuvinte-cheie:translation, literature, culture, functions, sociotranslation
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 3

Referințe în această publicație: 1

15Georgiana Lungu-BadeaRemarques sur le concept de culturèmeTranslationes, 1, 15-782009pdf

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