Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Principii de studiere a naturii şi esenţei limbii

Publicația: Analele Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași. Secțiunea IIIe. Lingvistică, LI, p. 209-217
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:Through the language`s nature the linguists understand first of all its material or ideal nature, more exactely the report`s nature between the real manifestations of a language and the psycological (mental) images of its units, as well as the abstract and perfect structures integrated. The definite content of a given language theory consists in clearing up the nature of the language sign, its developement in the meantime. On the other hand, “language isn`t only a reflex of thinking”. In order to express thinking, man must use a sign material system. The paralleled = correlative series of a phonological system are definetely required by a natural factor, a material factor, articulated organs, but the speaker`s conscience must percieve and use them. Saussure was right when he said, in the consonance with neogrammatics, that the phonetical evolution is often fataly for the language morphotic system, bringing about its disorders.
Limba: română

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Referințe în această publicație: 1

2Ion CoteanuNote despre esența limbiiSCL, XI (3), 4591960

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