Titlu: | Stereotipii lingvistice – de la discursul repetat la limba de lemn. Desemantizare graduală în cadrul discursului totalitar |
Autor: | Livia Feidaros Seiciuc |
Publicația: | Meridian Critic / Analele Universităţii „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava. Seria Filologie. A. Lingvistică, B. Literatură, 26 (1), Secțiunea Critical dossier: Critical discourse and linguistic variation: Cultural and linguistic stereotypes, p. 181-192 |
p-ISSN: | 2069-6787 |
Editura: | Editura Universităţii din Suceava |
Locul: | Suceava |
Anul: | 2016 |
Rezumat: | Between repeated discourse and the inflexible structures of the wooden language, linguistic stereotypes are dialectal constructions linguistically stable, that maintain the determinism of the signification created in the diachronic evolution of language,wich is characteristic to the repeated discourse, but instead, loses gradually its functions and causes the appearance of some incompatibilities at the level of syntagmatic relations, being a precursor of the artificial structures specific to the wooden language. Our study proposes an analysis of the way linguistic stereotypes solidarize with thought stereotypes, and become causal factors for the conventional assignment of sense in the case of wooden language structures and of the gradual corruption process of their functions, in the totalitarian discourse. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | linguistic stereotypes, repeated discourse, wooden language |
Limba: | română |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
Citări la această publicație: 0
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1 | Elena Dănilă | Incidenţa – identitate semantică şi diferenţiere gramaticală (cu referire specială la verbele de posibilitate şi aparenţă) | ALIL, XLIV-XLVI, 117 | 2004-2006 | pdf html |
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