Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Margareta Miller-Verghy, L’autre lumière (Cealaltă lumină), le roman d’une quête intérieure

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, VIII, Secțiunea Literatura și sacrul, p. 205-223
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:Margareta Miller-Verghy is almost an unknown name in Romanian literature, a woman writer completely ignored by literary histories. She only appears in recent dictionaries such as that of Marian Papahagi, Aurel Sasu and Mircea Zaciu (Dicţionarul scriitorilor români [The Dictionary of the Romanian Writers], 2001) or that of the Romanian Academy (2005). However, she left for posterity a diverse literary work and she put her life in the service of cultural values and high ethical ideals. The novel Cealaltă lumină (The Other Light), published in 1944, for which the author received the Academy’s Prize, is an autobiographical novel. It tells the story of the shattering experience of losing one’s eyesight, but at the same time that of finding another light, an interior one, which the protagonist, an alter-ego of the author, discovers after the acceptance of suffering and renunciations. A novel of becoming, it is also a novel whose topics are suffering and love. Both of them seem to be placed under a magnifying glass, where even the tiniest details grow and are increasing in a hallucinatory manner.
Cuvinte-cheie:Acceptance, light, interior change, suffering, renunciation
Limba: franceză

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