Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Romanian Dative Configurations: Ditransitive Verbs, a Tentative Analysis

Publicația: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LXII (2), p. 179-206
Investigating Romanian Datives / Recherches autour du datif roumain
Edited by Alexandra Cornilescu, Anca Dinu and Alina Tigău
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:This paper aims at providing a derivational account of Romanian ditransitive configurations in line with the experimental data presented in our first paper (this volume). One first attempt is directed at explaining the (relatively) free word-order manifested by the two internal arguments, as well as the symmetrical potential for anaphor and possessor binding exhibited by the direct object (DO) and the indirect object (IO). In the analysis we propose, the clitic plays no special role, in particular, it is not the head of the ApplP and consequently it does not influence the binding relations holding between the two arguments. Furthermore, evidence is provided as to the relative hierarchical order of the two internal arguments, with the DO as the higher of the two. The IO merges in a low PP position and is further attracted to a higher ApplP for reasons of case and θ-features checking. Binding and word order facts are thus derived as a consequence of the initial configuration and subsequent movement.
Secondly, we have endeavoured to account for the constraints manifested with those ditransitives where the direct object bears Differential Object Marking (DOM) and which seem acceptable only if the DO is clitic doubled. We have analyzed this restriction as a manifestation of a locality problem, in the sense that, when the DO bears DOM, it is endowed with a person feature and competes with the IO in valuing the person feature of the applicative head. Binding of the IO by the DO in this configuration is possible only if the latter is clitic doubled. Cliticization removes the DO to a higher position, allowing the IO to agree with the applicative and check its case.
Cuvinte-cheie:Applicatives, dative, ditransitives
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 3

2Donka F. Farkas, Adrian BraşoveanuA Typology of SpecificityRRL, LVIII (4), 355-3692013pdf
12Martine Coene, Larisa AvramNull objects and accusative clitics in RomanianBWPL, XI (1)2009pdf
5Alexandra CornilescuOn Clitic Doubling and Parasitic Gaps in RomanianRRL, LI (1), 23-422006pdf

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