Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Sensibilitate şi sens

Publicația: Limba Română (Chișinău), XXVII (1), Secțiunea Fațetele cuvântului, p. 96-102
Editura:Revista „Limba Română”
Rezumat:[Sensibility and sense]
Even though we constantly pursue a possible sense in all that we say or do, it is precisely the sense itself that is easiest to miss. One source of that peculiarity consists, probably, in what we call “sense”, the almost unlimited variety of acceptations of that word. Yet I think that something else is more important: the fact that the possibility of sense is essentially linked to the life of certain senses, of some forms of sensibility. Therefore, we ought to return more often to the meaning of life of a sense - of a means of sensibility - while pursuing to constitute sense. Yet our senses, as we know, are not necessarily bound to our sense organs; there is a sense of image and a sense of logical form, a sense of value and a sense of the metaphysical. The life of those senses means endless possibilities of certain senses, sensual diversity and brightness, just as the atrophy thereof means the death of the corresponding senses.
Limba: română

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104Eugeniu CoșeriuOmul şi limbajul său
Studii de filozofie a limbajului, teorie a limbii şi lingvistică generală
Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2009html

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