Titlu: | Aspecte onomasiologice ale cercetării motivaţiei în cartografia lingvistică şi dialectologie |
Autor: | Vasile Pavel |
Publicația: | Philologia, LVIII (5-6), p. 100 |
p-ISSN: | 1857-4300 |
Editura: | Academia de Științe a Moldovei |
Locul: | Chișinău |
Anul: | 2016 |
Rezumat: | [Onomasiological aspects of the research’s motivation in the linguistic cartography and dialectology] This study analyses the onomasiological aspect of the research of motivation’s phenomenon in dialectology and linguistic geography. Motivation is the first level in the act of nomination (in the creation process of a new word). Motivated words are transparent. They have the feature to send to another word. The derivative ashtray reminds us of the word ash. By drafting and interpreting the maps of motivation, an innovative method, the Atlas of Europe’s languages (Atlas linguarum Europae, ALE) and the Linguistic Romanic Atlas (Atlas linguistique roman, ALiR) open up new horizons for the contrastive-typological study of languages, in terms of the finding of a „common mentality” to the speakers of different languages and dialects. In Tomsk (Russian Federation), under the leadership of prof. O. I. Blinova it is elaborated The motivational dialectal dictionary, vol. I–II (1982–1983). In her works The motivation phenomenon of words (1984) and Motivology and its aspects (2007) O. I. Blinova presents the results of the motivation phenomenon’s investigation of the end of twentieth century – beginning of XXI century. From her point of view, the fundamental departments of this science are “descriptive motivology and contrastive motivology”. For this in the making science, the West proposed the denomination Iconomastic. In the Romanian area, this science is named Motivational Linguistics. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | motivated word, map of motivation, motivational linguistics, motivation, nomination, onomasiology |
Limba: | română |
Linkuri: |
Citări la această publicație: 1
0 | Elena Junghietu | Derivarea – procedeu de formare a verbelor de comportament | LRM, XXVIII (7-8), 128-139 | 2018 | pdf html |
Referințe în această publicație: 5
8 | Nicolae Saramandu, Manuela Nevaci | Hărți lingvistice motivaționale | FD, XXIV-XXVI, 221 | 2005-2007 | |
9 | Wolfgang Viereck | Atlasul limbilor Europei (Atlas linguarum Europae) | FD, XXII-XXIII, 327 | 2003-2004 | |
128 | Ferdinand de Saussure | Curs de lingvistică generală | Editura Polirom | 1998 | |
83 | Eugeniu Coșeriu | Lingvistica integrală | Editura Fundației Culturale Române | 1996 | |
4 | Marius Sala | În legătură cu denumirea mărului lui Adam în unele limbi romanice | SCL, IX (4), 497 | 1958 |
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