Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Familia adjectivelor alb şi verde în lexicul gastronomic românesc

Publicația: Limba română, LXIV (4), p. 523
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[The lexical family of the adjectives alb (white) and verde (green) in the Romanian gastronomic lexicon]
This text makes a lexical analysis of the adjectives alb (white) and verde (green) in the Romanian gastronomic vocabulary both synchronically and diachronically, with a view to emphasizing some of the lexemes’ (contextual) meanings which have not been registered in the thesaurus dictionary and even less so in other dictionaries of Romanian. One of the main conclusions of this investigation is that the study of the gastronomic vocabulary allows the reconstruction of older stages in the evolution of the Romanian language.
  • lexic, gastronomie, culori, dicţionare, sens
  • lexicon, gastronomy, colours, dictionaries, meaning
Limba: română

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