Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Delimitări şi precizări terminologice: metalingvistică-lingvistică

Publicația: Philologia, LVIII (1-2), p. 30
Editura:Academia de Științe a Moldovei
Rezumat:[Terminological delimitations and specifications: metalinguistics – linguistics]
This article aims at defining the Bakhtin concept of the notion of „metalinguistics” as against linguistics, linguistic and literary stylistics, specifying the subject and the new perspectives that he opened in analysis and interpretation of the text as a chain of dialogic relationships between words-sentences and speaking subjects engaged in an „existential dialogue” (K. Jaspers). The paper elucidates the relations between metalinguistics, dialogistics, dialogism as concepts that define complementary areas of the integral theory of „the principle of dialogue” (M. Buber) in studying the literary work’s text.
Cuvinte-cheie:linguistic consciousness (theoretical, real, novelistic), dialogic annoyance, dialogistics, dialogism, artistic dialogology, heterophony, heteroglossia, heterology, axiological expressiveness, metalinguistics, dialogic relationship
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 1

128Ferdinand de SaussureCurs de lingvistică generalăEditura Polirom1998

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