Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

(Re)lectură şi creativitate lingvistică. Repere didactice privind receptarea discursului poetic

Publicația: The Proceedings of the “European Integration - Between Tradition and Modernity” Congress, 1, p. 170-182
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Petru Maior”
Rezumat:After we try to show the specificity of poetics as a way of knowledge and revelation, we find some items to describe a possible model for re-reading of poetic discourse seen as language phenomena. Being derived from a previous model (the semiotic model of re-reading of a literary discourse), we emphasise the essential differences between this primary model and the new poetic model. The most important one, which seems to be relevant and actual is thinking in images (not in ideas), which generate a vision of feelings (not of events). As far as symbol appears somewhere between event and idea, we look for an adequate way of construction and transparency of the message: language game. The typology of this games and figures of speech was properly chosen for each step from the process of signification through qualitative leaps of meaning. Moving on attention in a progressive rhythm from the semantic level towards the pragmatic level, we offer models of re-creation (N. Stanescu’s) and we challenge new communication experiences through plural ways of speech.
Limba: română

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1Eva Monica Szekely(Re)lecturile ca niveluri de sensStudia UPM, 3, 812004pdf

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