Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Aspecte privind structura vocabularului în cel mai vechi octoih în limba română (II)

Publicația: Limba română, LXIV (3), p. 401-416
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[On vocabulary structure in the oldest Octoih in Romanian language]
Unlike other ancient Romanian texts, Micul Octoih de la Braşov (The Little Octoih from Braşov)–MOB [1596–1610] has never been given the attention it merits; it has never been edited or systematically studied. Part of a broader project that aims to fill in this gap, the current article exclusively concerns the structure of the vocabulary; word formation processes would make the object of another study. Moreover, the focus is on two main categories: 1. words that either disappeared from Romanian language or are preserved at popular/regional level only and 2. words with meanings no longer in current use. Further sub-categories concern origin (Latin, Slavic, Hungarian, Greek, and obscure/not fully clarified) and, in addition, words formed within the Romanian language. Each term is followed by its etymon, meaning(s), and minimal context; in a few cases, also by some comments. Ultimately, a brief qualitative analysis looks at: Latin–Slavic elements balance, frequency, regional distribution, first attestations, and new words. Generally, MOB’s follows the main trend, as shaped by other texts of the time (mid-Sixteenth–early Seventeenth Century): terms of Latin and Slavic origins dominate; others being rather insignificant: a few Hungarian words; even less Greek terms (none in the first category); the Latin element dominates the second category and the subcategory of terms formed on Romanian territory, in both categories. Nevertheless, unlike other texts of the time, where the Slavic elements prevailed on the Latin ones (up to double them) in the first category, in MOB they are rather balanced. This apparent deviation is, however, compensated by the impressive amount of translation loans (calques) on Slavic model. Most terms are common/ frequent in the texts of the time; some are however rare (arame, pesti, poroboc, etc.). Two words may be considered new: bizăntui vb. ‘testimony (about something)’ and desfătaş ‘witchery, rodomontade’. First attestations include: drăgostit, făgădaş, gradişte, gropare, izbavă, încungiurare, îngropături, lepedeu, logoditoriu, striin, sufleţi, întreire, and uceniţă. There is a prevalence of terms indicative for the areas of West/South-West/North–Moldova; much less for the South/South-West.
  • Micul Octoih de la Braşov [1596–1610], structura vocabularului, sensuri deosebite de cele actuale, cuvinte noi/rare, prime atestări
  • The Little Octoih from Braşov [1596–1610], vocabulary structure, meanings no longer in current use, new/rare words, first attestations
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 8

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