Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Interaction verbale et stéréotypie langagière en roumain. Quelques exemples de structures verbales d’amorce, de relance ou de reprise de la communication

Publicația: Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Philologia, LIV (3)
Editura:Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană
Rezumat:[Verbal interraction and language stereotypy in Romanian. Some examples of verbal structures of connecting, starting maintaining a communication] The Romanian language is surprisingly rich developing language practices that deserve the attention of the researcher. From a historic point of view, such are the verbal use and the relationships that connect the expression with the thought in every day communication. This every day use of what is found “beyond words” represents a topic worth analysing, not only from the perspective of a bilingual speaker but also from a scientific perspective. There where the Romanian language imposes no precision allowing a linguistic plasticity, the French language requires an undisputed identification diminishing in this way the possibility of language ambiguity. In Romanian, such useful and necessary instruments in communication are the structures ending, re - launching and resuming conversation. What could înţelegi (“do you understand?) or ai înţeles (“did you understand?”) express together with the gestures, mimics and other non – verbal communicational methods if not the message itself? Are we in front of a communicational strategy aiming merely at transmitting and understanding the message as for instance in Italian (capisci? hai capito ?) or is it rather the speaker’s wish to conduct the listener’s attention to the reconstruction of the meaning? În fine (“so”), mǎ rog (“well”), adicǎ (“meaning that”), aşa (“in this way”) experience a considerable semantic fluctuation supported by a noticeable melodic element (responsible for the phenomenon). The article is an analysis of the context and the verbal interaction which allow us to underline the specialisation of these linguistic instruments – meaning carriers.
Cuvinte-cheie:communicational strategy, language stereotypes, meaning, Romanian, verbal interaction

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