Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Pour une grammaire à l’indicatif. Présentation de la grammaire critique de l’italien

Publicația: Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Philologia, LIV (3)
Editura:Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană
Rezumat:[Indicative grammar. A presentation of a critique grammar of Italian language] This article has as main purpose the introduction of the book entitled Grammaire critique de l’italien – 16eme volume (Le verbe. 4. Modes et temps) that has been published recently. The first part of the article will name the theoretical and methodological principles that have guided the elaboration of the present book. The perspective that has been chosen is both critical and descriptive: critical - because it wishes to show that the formulation grammar “rules” as the ones that can be found in normative grammars is most of the time too rigid, if not arbitrary, and visibly contradictory from one grammar to another, and descriptive – because it analyses expressions encountered in contemporary productions such as literature, media, critics etc.). The analysis of these expressions has made possible the discovery of constants, preferences, and regularities. Thus, the solution was to confront norms and usage and to express a preference for a grammar of the indicative instead of a grammar of the imperative (“dites…, ne dites pas… “). Some indications can be formulated regarding students’ implication in the fulfilling of this task which has been done together with them during grammar courses: they have actively participated to collect examples and to analyse them and they have had enthusiastic initiatives very often such as addressing contemporary authors who explained matters of interest for the students.
Cuvinte-cheie:imperative, indicative, Italian, grammar rules

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