Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

La poésie – voie dans la rencontre avec Dieu

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, V, Secțiunea Cuvinte de întîmpinare, p. 33-46
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:The essay is devoted to the interpretation of religious poetry as the the human spiritual attempt to make the Deity known. Consequently, certain instantiations of the religious poetry should be regarded as an Eucharistic state, a burning soul, a joyful thrill. When talking about religious poetry, one must take into accound the expression and the content of the sacred texts that played a great influence upon the religious literature. The religious poems analysed in this essay prove that some writings are full of unpredictable images, fine colors and iridescent in a variety of shades full of life. The religious poetry is never static, one can see it the spring awakening dynamism of the Holy Spirit.
Limba: franceză

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