Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

The Revolt. A Study in Textual Semiotics

Publicația: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 18, p. 25
Editura:Universitatea Petru Maior
Locul:Târgu Mureș
Rezumat:The essay “The Revolt. A Study of Textual Semiotics” sets the theoretical framework of a social semiotics based on decoding the social-cultural persuasive signs. The samples (the texts) that we aim to analyze, which represent different types of discourse (literary – biblical, poetical) set forward a semiotics of passions, from love to ardor, obsession, revolt and hate.
The revolt is one of man’s essential dimensions. It is our historical reality, in which we have to discover our values and acknowledge them. In the process of decoding the poetical messages of the studied texts, seen as reference discursive sequences, we have taken into account the mental reality of the text (the cultural variable) and the event reality of social practices manifested through the lyrical identities in which a reader may find or recognize himself. We have considered love based on principles (agape) as reference in the semio-stylistic analysis of the revolt, taking into account texts containing simulacra developed in a biblical space-time frame (David’s psalms), and in a lay one (Arghezi’s psalms), with interferences of sacred and profane. We thus bring into discussion passionate simulacra as existential models, either dedicated to faith, or ambiguously manifested between faith and doubt.
Our goal is the configuration of a Romanian identity discourse.
Cuvinte-cheie:textual semiotics; textual meaning; inferential pragmatism; discourse (the discourse of revolt); subversive strategies; biblical psalm; Arghezi’s psalms
Limba: engleză

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