Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

A Comparative Analysis of Consonant Clusters in English and in Slovak

Publicația: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov. Series IV: Philology and Cultural Studies, 3, p. 79
Editura:Transilvania University Press
Rezumat:The paper presents the partial results of the research project verifying the proposed universal nature of the CVX theory of syllable. The character of the word-initial and the word-final clusters in English and in Slovak indicates that while in English all onset and coda clusters form a complex sound or can be explained by morphology, in Slovak the number of possible word-initial and word-final clusters is much higher, their structure is more heterogeneous and it seems that only a few of them can be accounted for by morphology.
Cuvinte-cheie:consonant clusters, onset, coda, tautosyllabic clusters, heterosyllabic clusters
Limba: engleză

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