Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Texte standard în cultura românească veche. Noul testament de la Bălgrad (1648)

Publicația: Libraria. Studii și cercetări de bibliologie, I
Editura:Biblioteca Județeană Mureș
Rezumat:[Standard Texts in Ancient Romanian Culture. The New Testament from Bălgrad (1648)] The researches over the different translations of ancient religious books prove to be a very difficult job. First of all, the scientific explorer has to find out which is the most appropiate version; then, he has to ascribe the other versions to it.
Such a version would be Vieţile sfinţilor written by Dosoftei, a very famous book. In the same way, we could speak about a continuity concerning the texts printed by Coresi; also, fragments from Noul Testament (1561) can be read in Tâlcul Evangheliilor (Cazania I, 1564) and in Evanghelia Învăţătoare (Cazania II) with only a few changes.
Noul Testament de la Bălgrad (1648) had a significant influence over the books printed at those times; for example, Biblia de la Bucureşti took it as a pattern. Its contribution to the development of romanian language and culture is indisputable; it soon became a standard, an example to follow and all other editions printed latter took it as a pattern. For example, Sicriul de aur written by Ioan Zoba din Vinţ in 1683 is made up of numerous fragments from it.
Because of that, the posteriority of Noul Testament de la Bălgrad (1648) and of Psaltirea din 1651 is due to their use as standard texts.
Limba: română

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105Simion Ștefan (coord.)Noul Testament de la BălgradTipografia Domnească; Editura Episcopiei Ortodoxe1648; 1988

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