Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Les valeurs possessives et localisatrices du génitif roumain et des prépositions de, de la et din – et de la juxtaposition dans une perspective romane

Publicația: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XVII (1), p. 26
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:Genitival constructions are often taken as a good example of contrastive linguistics, since there are so many ways of expressing this relation between a main word and its qualifiers or determinants. In Romanian the options are actually three : the case-marked genitive, the prepositional construction and the juxtaposition. There are several prepositional possibilities (din, de la) although the de is the most frequent one.
The distribution of these has so far not been sufficiently focused on. In the case-marked versus prepositional-based system there seems to be obvious distributional differences according to the results of a contemporary newspaper-based corpus.
The obvious differentiation between possessive and objective genitive only applies partially and it is important to identify the factors that cause the usage of one option and not the others. The intention of this paper is to shed some light on the problem and suggest some ways of differentiating the cognitive bond between the main word and its determinant(s) and the degree of possessiveness or inclusiveness that these morphologically distinguishable expressions of a genitive relation manifest. Finally the Romanian system will be viewed in a wider Romance perspective.
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 4

213Dumitru IrimiaGramatica limbii româneEditura Polirom1997; 2000; 2004; 2008
2Oswald J. L. SzemerényiIntroduction to Indo-European LinguisticsOxford University Press1996; 1999
224Mioara AvramGramatica pentru toțiEditura Academiei; Humanitas1986; 1997, 2001
43David CrystalA Dictionary of Linguistics and PhoneticsBlackwell1985; 1991; 1997; 2003; 2008

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